2303号外贸开发信模板 向公司领导/决策者发送一封超级个性化的外贸开发信
Hi [prospect name],
I am reaching out to you because being the [prospect’s current role 潜在客户当前的职位], I was certain you would know more about the current process in place at your company for [which department 潜在客户所在部门].
Like we’ve helped [your existing customer 你的现有客户], I felt you might be interested in improving your [the biggest challenge for the prospect 潜在客户面对的最大痛点].
I did a fair amount of research on your company’s [current business] and I’m sharing a few of my thoughts here which could help you save [the benefit your product offers 描述你提供产品的好处]:
[a screenshot of their web page 插入一个对方网页的截图]
- I noticed that [state the current problem and how it can be better 描述当前的问题并且解释如果可以变得更好].
- I also noticed that [state the current problem and how it can be better 描述当前的问题并且解释如果可以变得更好]
I’d love to share a few more ideas with you and spend more time understanding your current process.
[prospect name], could we spend 15 mins this week to chat about this?
![[your photo & social media links]](https://hongbanzhuan.com/app/images/signature.jpg)
Sales Manager
+(86) 131-1234-5678
Street, City, Province, China
- 报价后/发送开发信/打电话后没有回应 69
- LinkedIn开发 34
- 提出价值主张 18
- 与不温不火的潜在客户重新获得接触 12
- 提出痛点 34
- 样品 25
- 提供价值或资源 42
- 利用奇招或噱头来抓住眼球 30
- 开发信经典公式 15
- 寻求推荐 22
- 介绍产品/公司/自己 58
- 新产品发布或介绍 19
- 推进后续沟通 68
- 利用第三方做背书 29
- 跟进丢单客户 4
- 约见客户 12
- 催单 4
- 在cold call后进行跟进 7
- 开发信案例 15
- 重复开发老客户 12
- 会议跟进 34
- 利用竞争对手进行开发 17
- 社交媒体开发客户 15
- 开发信分手邮件 28
- 节日销售 53
- 展会邀请 6
- 展会跟进 9
- 集客营销 10
- trigger event 触发事件 16
- 线上/网络广交会 12
- 节日问候 15
- 自动回复 19
- 报价处理 10
- 询盘回复 16
- 订单沟通 22
- 问题处理 38
- 请求帮助 27
- 涨价 20
- 客户关系维护 29
- 客户服务 57
- 联系红人/KOL/Influencer 31
- Cold Call 10
- Voicemail 11
- Live Chat 8
- 打电话 3
- 外贸商务英语 59
- 商务谈判 11
- 提问 14
- 外联/拓展 10
- 疫情邮件或开发信 46