5883号外贸信函模板 提醒客户谨防利用新冠肺炎疫情/COVID-19/Coronavirus诈骗邮件
Hi [name],
Criminals are using concerns about the coronavirus epidemic to spread infections of their own. They are forging emails mentioning the outbreak that appear to be from business partners in an effort to get users to open the messages, unleashing malware.
They are even disguising themselves as WHO to steal money or sensitive information. If you are contacted by a person or organization that appears to be from WHO, verify their authenticity before responding.
Here are two helpful links/articles from WHO and The Wall Street Journal:
- https://www.who.int/about/communications/cyber-security
- https://www.wsj.com/articles/hackers-target-companies-with-fake-coronavirus-warnings-11583267812
We will be very careful about this, especially for something important or related to payment, we will double-check or even triple-check in order to make sure both of us are in a safe situation financially.
Website or Email
- 报价后/发送开发信/打电话后没有回应 69
- LinkedIn开发 34
- 提出价值主张 18
- 与不温不火的潜在客户重新获得接触 12
- 提出痛点 34
- 样品 25
- 提供价值或资源 42
- 利用奇招或噱头来抓住眼球 30
- 开发信经典公式 15
- 寻求推荐 22
- 介绍产品/公司/自己 58
- 新产品发布或介绍 19
- 推进后续沟通 68
- 利用第三方做背书 29
- 跟进丢单客户 4
- 约见客户 12
- 催单 4
- 在cold call后进行跟进 7
- 开发信案例 15
- 重复开发老客户 12
- 会议跟进 34
- 利用竞争对手进行开发 17
- 社交媒体开发客户 15
- 开发信分手邮件 28
- 节日销售 53
- 展会邀请 6
- 展会跟进 9
- 集客营销 10
- trigger event 触发事件 16
- 线上/网络广交会 12
- 节日问候 15
- 自动回复 19
- 报价处理 10
- 询盘回复 16
- 订单沟通 22
- 问题处理 38
- 请求帮助 27
- 涨价 20
- 客户关系维护 29
- 客户服务 57
- 联系红人/KOL/Influencer 31
- Cold Call 10
- Voicemail 11
- Live Chat 8
- 打电话 3
- 外贸商务英语 59
- 商务谈判 11
- 提问 14
- 外联/拓展 10
- 疫情邮件或开发信 46
开发信中提到的2个链接都是非常权威且著名的网站(WHO官网 和 华尔街日报),所以他们在点击时也不会有太多的顾虑。