10892号英文短句/话术模板 商务谈判和工作交流中的英文成语——谈判和协议(30个)
- The speaker was just beating around the bush and never said anything important.
谈论某事而不直接回答 - We will bend over backward if the other party is committed.
尽力而为,特别是要做到公平和助人。 - After insisting for months, the manager caved into his demands.
压力下屈服;让步 - You’re the boss here – you get to call the shots.
作为控制局势和/或做出决定的人。 - When I first met him I didn’t like him but I’ve changed my mind.
改变你的决定 - The salesman came in high during the negotiations and could not sell his product.
The company came in low with an offer for our product.
收取过多/过少的服务费,要求的价格过高/过低。 - The participants seem unable to find common ground on the issue of the environment.
同意某事,分享意见或利益 - The questions were endless and we were unable to cover much ground during the meeting.
谈论某事的重要事实和细节 - The union was flexible on the salary issue but they drew the line at talking about health benefits.
为自己愿意做的事或接受的事设定一个限度。 - Our boss said that wages would improve soon but he never followed through with his promise.
遵循约定,遵守承诺 - She got the short end of the stick in the deal.
处于不利的境地,受到某件事情的不良影响。 - My grandfather was such a hard-nosed businessman.
坚强、固执或不妥协。 - She has a card up her sleeve if they ever try to fire her since she knows about all those secret business practices.
对战略进行保密,以备不时之需。 - I kept looking over to see if she was impressed, but she wore a poker face throughout the presentation.
茫然的,没有感情的表情,不表示一个人的想法或意图。 - After hours of fierce negotiations, the president got the upper hand.
优势、权力和/或控制地位 - I know she really wants the promotion, but she really hit me below the belt by telling the boss about my personal problems.
不公平地针对某人的弱点或脆弱性 - Management holds all the cards when it comes to the negotiations over job cuts.
处于对某人或某物的权力或控制地位。 - The election is in the bag.
一定/一定会赢得、实现或获得的。 - You deserve honesty, so I’m going to lay my cards on the table: I can’t offer you this job, but we may have another position that you’d be good for.
直言不讳,直言不讳;透露一些你一直隐瞒的东西,如你的、意图、意见等。 - We had no contract; it was done by a gentleman’s agreement.
基于双方或各方信任的安排或谅解,而不是具有法律约束力。 - I’ll agree to some of your requests if you’ll meet me halfway and allow me to implement some of my ideas.
与人妥协,通常是在争论或分歧中妥协 - Many consumers are still on the fence, waiting for a less expensive computer to come along.
未决定;无法作出决定。 - He’s a nice guy, but he can play hardball when he needs to.
为了得到自己想要的东西,要有坚定的决心。 - As a manager, you have to put your foot down sometimes, or your staff will walk all over you.
使用你的权威;在你的立场或决定上要有弹性 - (a) Why are you second-guessing me now? You agreed with this strategy just yesterday!
(b) He had to second-guess what the environmental regulations would be in five years’ time.
试图预测某事将如何发生或某人将做什么。 - Why don’t you sleep on the offer and let us know your decision in the morning?
将一项决定推迟到第二天,以便人们有更多的时间考虑。 - I kept trying to get our boss to find a bigger office, but she stood her ground.
拒绝改变意见或屈服 - I’ve done everything I could. The ball is in your court now.
现在轮到你做决定或采取行动了 - Andrea was about to play her trump card – without her signature, none of the money could be released.
一种资源,用于获得比别人更多的优势,通常是通过持有,然后在适当的时候使用。 - Yes, we did have our disagreements but that’s water under the bridge now.
- 报价后/发送开发信/打电话后没有回应 69
- LinkedIn开发 34
- 提出价值主张 18
- 与不温不火的潜在客户重新获得接触 12
- 提出痛点 34
- 样品 25
- 提供价值或资源 42
- 利用奇招或噱头来抓住眼球 30
- 开发信经典公式 15
- 寻求推荐 22
- 介绍产品/公司/自己 58
- 新产品发布或介绍 19
- 推进后续沟通 68
- 利用第三方做背书 29
- 跟进丢单客户 4
- 约见客户 12
- 催单 4
- 在cold call后进行跟进 7
- 开发信案例 15
- 重复开发老客户 12
- 会议跟进 34
- 利用竞争对手进行开发 17
- 社交媒体开发客户 15
- 开发信分手邮件 28
- 节日销售 53
- 展会邀请 6
- 展会跟进 9
- 集客营销 10
- trigger event 触发事件 16
- 线上/网络广交会 12
- 节日问候 15
- 自动回复 19
- 报价处理 10
- 询盘回复 16
- 订单沟通 22
- 问题处理 38
- 请求帮助 27
- 涨价 20
- 客户关系维护 29
- 客户服务 57
- 联系红人/KOL/Influencer 31
- Cold Call 10
- Voicemail 11
- Live Chat 8
- 打电话 3
- 外贸商务英语 59
- 商务谈判 11
- 提问 14
- 外联/拓展 10
- 疫情邮件或开发信 46