13790号外贸信函模板 俄罗斯和乌克兰战争期间,要求客户要全款的邮件模板
Dear [name],
Hope you are well!
In response to the latest situation, an emergency meeting was called internally to discuss the potential business risk we might have. In conclusion, we don’t see another possible measurement other than tightening payment credit in order to keep our operation possible. That is to say, we are asking all customers to make full payment before we could transfer ownership of goods.
Although the measurement is considered temporary, we understand the impact that could have been implied to our customer. In order to support the difficult situation, we would like to offer an extra 3% discount as long as the measurement is in place. We hope this could mean something to you.
I am sure this is an uneasy moment for you but I have the responsibility to protect my company from risk. We have our shipment put on hold and wait for your decision. We hope to hear from you soon.
+(86) 131-1234-5678
Street, City, Province, China
- 报价后/发送开发信/打电话后没有回应 69
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