如何一步一步写出属于自己的经典销售武器——Elevator Pitch 电梯推销演讲?配12个实例和4个模板
电梯演讲 Elevator pitch
1 什么是电梯演讲?
电梯演讲英文是Elevator pitch,也叫做“麦肯锡30秒电梯理论”。
2 电梯推销演讲应该有多长?
I help companies like yours increase production by up to 30% without additional cost.
下面的内容用了一个叫做“Better Than the Rest Cable”的公司来做例子。
1 自我介绍
I’m a sales rep at Better Than the Rest Cable.
2 说明公司的使命
I’m a sales rep at Better Than the Rest Cable. We help hotels across the U.S. pair with the perfect cable provider and plan for their region and needs.
3 解释公司的价值主张
I’m a sales rep at Better Than the Rest Cable. We help hotels across the U.S. pair with the perfect cable provider and plan for their region and needs. With regional experts assigned to each account, we help hotels identify the most cost-effective and guest-delighting cable plan for them.
4 用一个切入点来抓住他们的注意力
I’m a sales rep at Better Than the Rest Cable. We help hotels across the U.S. pair with the perfect cable provider and plan for their region and needs. With regional experts assigned to each account, we help hotels identify the most cost-effective and guest-delighting cable plan for them. On average, we’re able to save hotels up to 25% on their annual cable bills.
5 持续的练习
1 不要喋喋不休
I’ve been a rep at Sales-R-Us for five years now. They’re the best company I’ve ever worked for. I’ve loved my time there. I started as a BDR and have worked my way up to a senior position. I’ve never looked back. I also love the services we sell. I can’t wait to tell you about them. Sales-R-Us help companies become more efficient with their sales through training, evaluation, and leadership management, and that’s just to name a few. We have a unique approach that’s been honed by lots of sales experts over the years, and I’ve seen our solution really help a lot of companies and teams. I’ve had many clients whose businesses have been saved because of our genius solution. I know we can do the same for you. Would you be interested in learning more?
- 太长
- 花了太多的时间自嗨
- 不具体或没有可操作性
- 没有提供实际的例子或吸引人的事实
2 不要使用太多的专业术语
At Stratosphere Solutions, our OS-level virtualization delivers software in containers, all of which share the system of a lone operating system kernel. These containers are isolated but can communicate with one another through well-defined channels. Ultimately, this lets you use fewer resources than traditional virtual machines.
- 有太多的专业术语(没有相关技术知识的人听不懂)
- 试图将一个极其复杂的话题浓缩在30秒内
- 价值主张并不明确
1 提出一个吸引人的问题
Has your boss ever asked you to “whip up a quick report before the end of the day”? You say yes with a sinking heart — because you know it’ll be the opposite of quick. The founders of my company, AnswerASAP, constantly dealt with this problem in their roles as marketing executives. So they created a tool that puts all your data in one place and creates unique reports within 30 seconds or less.
提出问题 – 感同身受- 转折点- 增加价值
- 用一个问题抓住注意力
- 提出一个经常出现的痛点
- 对痛点有同情心
- 直截了当,没有专业术语
2 提高可信度
As an account executive for AnswerASAP, I talk to hundreds of marketers per month. And 99% of them hate creating reports. It’s time-consuming, it’s tedious, and it’s usually not your highest priority. That’s where our tool comes in — it pulls from all of your data to create any report you want in less than the time it takes to pour a cup of coffee.
- 显示了演讲者的权威
- 强化痛点
- 使用了一个常见的比喻来强调该易用性
3 惊喜的结尾
You want to know how many leads from your webinar campaign became customers versus leads from your trade show booth. But only customers who bought two products — and weren’t already in your database.
How long would it take you to create that report?
If you had AnswerASAP, a data and reporting tool, you’d already know. It creates reports in a matter of seconds.
- 有一个惊喜的结局
- 有创意地说明了产品的价值
- 推动对方把目前的情况与一个更好的情况进行比较
4 优秀的数据
Your marketing team members will each spend approximately 8,730 minutes of their work year putting together reports. Across your teams and departments, how much money can you save if you took that chore off their to-do lists with AnswerASAP, the reporting tool that automatically pulls your data into an easy-to-read (and send) dashboard? We’ve saved companies thousands of dollars per year, and they’re operating more efficiently than ever.
用统计数字来说明问题 – 向他们提出问题 – 提供社会证明
- 用数字吸引注意力,同时加重痛点
- 激发了挫败感
5 短小精悍
The founders of my company were originally marketers. The worst part of their day, by far, was … Want to take a guess? No, it wasn’t arguing with Sales. They detested making reports. I don’t blame them. You know what a pain in the neck it is. That’s why they created AnswerASAP. You can create any report you want in a matter of seconds.
- 短小精悍
- 解释了产品
- 讲了一个公司的起源故事(根据认知心理学家杰罗姆-布鲁纳的理论,当一个事实作为故事的一部分呈现时,人们记住它的可能性是22倍)
6 客户案例
Siena Rosen, a marketer at Dunder Mifflin, used to spend 30 minutes per day manually creating reports. Now that she uses AnswerASAP, that’s gone down to four minutes. She’s making twice as many reports in less time. Our tool helps marketers like Siena answer any question on their mind (or their boss’s) nearly instantly. If you’re curious, I can explain more.
- 使用客户的例子来赋予产品可信度
- 展示了一个清晰和令人信服的前后对比
- 展示价值
- 给对方一个机会说”告诉我更多”或”我不感兴趣”
7 摆明事实
Every day, the average marketer spends half an hour putting together reports. Most of the time, these reports are barely glanced at — or worse, ignored altogether. AnswerASAP, which stores all of your data from every tool your business uses, is a game-changer here. Just type what report you want: For example, “A bar chart of revenue from every lead source in the past month.”You’ll get your report in 30 seconds.
陈述问题 – 加重问题 – 引出方案 – 增加价值
- 使对方意识到问题
- 激发挫败感
- 通过一个简单的例子帮助对方准确地理解产品的工作原理
8 使用幽默感
How many marketers does it take to do monthly reporting? None if they’ve automated the process with AnswerASAP. Each employee that uses this tool saves 30 minutes per day on average, which is time they can spend on marketing tasks more worthy of their time such as improving performance on campaigns and increasing ROI across the board.
- 吸引观众
- 提供关联性
- 利用行业中的一个已知事实,并定位一个意想不到的解决方案
9 打感情牌
When I started my career in marketing, I thought I would be making a difference for my organization right away, but as the junior member of the team, all the reporting and administrative tasks were pushed onto me. I was spending so much time creating reports for key stakeholders that could’ve been diverted to more important revenue-generating activities. If you’re not using AnswerASAP, you’re spending too much of the organization’s time, money, and talent on something that can be generated by our tool on-demand in 30 seconds.
- 通过讲故事唤起人们的情感和共鸣
- 建立了一个可以理解的痛苦或问题
- 得出了一个令人震惊的结论
10 一句话搞定
AnswerASAP saves marketers time by eliminating the tediousness of data-gathering and formatting to create beautiful marketing reports in less than 30 seconds.
展示价值 – 解释优势 – 讲述特点
- 展示了公司的价值主张
- 直奔主题,短小精悍
11 利用熟人
As I understand it, we have a mutual connection — Zachary Koch. He’s actually a customer of ours. His company was able to cut its software development lifecycle in half by leveraging our solution. You two are industry partners of a similar scale, so you would likely see similar results. Would you like to hear more about what we did for him and could do for you?
- 立即建立了信任
- 引用了容易验证的结果
12 变成一个顾问
In working with other budding B2B SaaS companies, we’ve found that one of the key issues they struggle with is content marketing. This past year we helped a number of your industry peers to create, publish, and promote blog content to support their inbound marketing efforts, resulting in an average 20% increase in leads generated. Would you like to hear more?
- 显示了对潜在客户的熟悉程度
- 提供了可操作的思考
- 提供了具体的结果